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Yoga is not Weak

According to health professionals, I am 50 lbs over my "healthy weight range". I rarely exercise-with little kids, who has time? I do. That's right, I DO have the time, I just don't prioritize it. Down the street a new gym recently opened, so I took my self and my little chilluns and signed up. The best surprise? Kids Care is only $5/month for each child! I really had no excuses now. Instead of $4-8/visit to the gym it is only $10 for the whole month. I'm signed up. What now?

I don't know about you, but I am way out of shape and easily get intimidated by all of the in-shape, spandex clad, muscular gym enthusiasts. Slowly walking on the treadmill next to a hard core, high speed runner just isn't that motivating, so to get me going I decided to look at the class schedule. Having a designated class instead of a fluid time to exercise keeps me 1) organized and 2) more accountable to myself. I found that they have Yoga twice a week in the mornings--that sounds easy enough. Its just stretching and listening to relaxing music, right? I can do THAT at least...

Boy was I in for a surprise! Yes, there is relaxing music, but yoga is downright hard! And talk about intimidating--there's an amazing woman who has to be in her 70's or 80's doing headstands! I've decided I want to be her when I grow up. After trying my hardest (and failing at about 50% of the poses), I only lasted 35 minutes of a 60 minute class. The next couple of days I was amazingly sore. At first I thought "maybe I walked more at Costco than I thought" (Yes, I'm THAT out of shape) and then I was the Yoga! Oh man was I surprised, and I was sore all over. This has not hampered my attendance though-I am determined to keep going. There's something about it that is soothing and balancing. That's why people do it right? And it's NOT just women! There are several men in the morning class and more in the evening (presumably because of work). My favorite teacher so far is male.

What I've learned in my short stint of yoga so far: YOGA IS FOR EVERYONE. Young, old, new, experienced, limber and not-at-all flexible. Do what you can and try again next time. It is worth it. Even when people pumping heavy weights in the gym look into the yoga class with sniggers, just know that many of them couldn't do the whole hour either. ;) It takes concentration and practice. Even the most experienced "yogis" try new things and find it fulfilling. Lastly, its a time to slow down and rejuvinate the body. We live such busy lifestyles. Slow down, breathe, yoga.


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