To Be A Pioneer
As today comes to a close I am thinking to things. 1) Fireworks season is FINALLY coming to a close! And 2) Why is it important to celebrate "Pioneer Day"?
Don't get me wrong, fireworks are fun and beautiful and exciting... when they aren't shot off all month. Mama needs some sleep! My poor babies struggle with all the house shaking booms. Back in Nevada we never had this problem. If you wanted to see the fireworks your head to live close to the 1 of 2 places they shoot them off at in town, or wrestle for a good spot on the lawn at the park. It was special and fun and exciting. Oh well, is what it is I suppose.
Which brings me to why here in Utah we have a month long firework extravaganza. Starting on Father's day (and justly so, they deserve fireworks) and ending tonight, on Pioneer Day. Utah was founded on the American Dream-the dream to live free of religious persecution and to live in a supportive society. Crossing the plains with nothing but Faith, Hope, and GRIT, brave men and women forged our rich history. Great, but why is that important today?
Because WE are also pioneers. Times have changed and with that comes new challenges and new hopes. In today's "social" world, we see the good, the bad, and the ugly almost daily and what never ceases to amaze me is while there are trolls in every dark corner, there are so many more people out there shining light. I see pictures of beautiful displays a talented designer has put together. I read heartwarming stories of a child reaching out to the lonely or a person giving shoes off their feet to someone in need. It doesn't take a lot-sharing a funny meme with a friend to brighten their day. Shooting a text to a loved one to remind them they are thought about. Waving to your neighbor every time you see them. With the good there will always be the bad, but as we forge forward with Faith, Hope, and Grit, the good will always outweigh the bad.
P.S. How are YOU a modern day pioneer?