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Good-bye Summer, Hello Cold & Flu!

Happy Fall, everyone! Summer is officially over and that means, good-bye hot weather, hello Cold & Flu Season! Don't get me wrong, people get sick in every season, but there are many more in the colder weather. Why? Because people are cooped up together! Less fresh air is circulated through out our homes, churches, schools, stores, and places of business and work. And the heater (or fire place) is blasting, keeping us nice and toasty...along with fun germs...yaaaaay.

In recent years more and more people are choosing not to get the flu shot. Many feel it is ineffective or is more harmful than beneficial. Either way, fighting germs a more natural way is becoming more and more popular. Why? Because it is effective! AND it makes us feel like we are actually DOING something instead of "waiting it out".

There are several effective remedies out there, but I really love using my essential oils. A little bit goes a long way so it is cost effective (and they smell good-mostly-which is always a bonus). Spark Naturals has a kit (the Cold & Flu Kit-very original) that is put together specifically for this season! The oils can be purchased separately, but the kit is a rather handy way to keep it all together (instead of searching through your stash for the oils you need).

What's included: 5ml bottles of Melaleuca, Oregano, and Shield Blend as well as a roller bottle for application.

Melaleuca has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, making it a staple in your essential oils collection. It can be rubbed diluted on the throat (or NEAT on the feet) or diffused.

Oregano has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties and is an immunostimulant. It is great to gargle (1 drop in 4oz water) for Strep Throat, taken internally in a capsul for viruses, or applied diluted to the feet.

Shield Blend is a protective blend containing Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary (comparable to Theives Blend from Young Living and OnGuard from doTerra) It is antibacterial as well as antiviral (notice the trend?). Diffuse to kill germs in the air as well as the body (through inhalation). Gargle (1 drop to 4oz water) and swallow for Staph, Strep, and coughs. Apply NEAT to feet (adults/Teens), diluted for children for precautionary measures or as needed.

The roller bottle helps with applying oils to the body.

I personally use these oils often and truly feel our family has had minimal illness because of it.

Stay healthy this season! :D

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